Singapore is a country that has managed to achieve many things over the years, one of which being that it has curated a holistic approach for both the management of its water resources, which includes both its drainage and drinking water.

Currently, Malaysia is responsible for supplying 50% of Singapore’s water, which has thus far urged the country to take on a more sustainable approach by becoming more water independent. This can be done by reusing, recycling and limiting water supply in the country.

The Public Utility Board, or PUB, supports the country with the Four National Taps of Singapore program. These four water sources include water that is being supplied from local catchment areas, water imported from Malaysia, NEWater which is reused water, as well as desalinated water. The country thus possesses both renewable and non-renewable water resources.

The country additionally, makes use of stormwater runoff, of which two-thirds thereof is captured in Singapore’s land area. This water is then stored in reservoirs and is eventually used for subsequent purposes. Stormwater management forms a crucial component of the country’s catchment area tap, along with its extensively low impact development (LID). The implementation thereof has led to the organizations that have created water-sustainability programs.

4 Water Sources in Singapore

  • Malaysia – Imported water that enters Singapore through a pipeline between Johor, Malaysia, and Singapore.
  • NEWater – Recycled water, which currently, meets up to 30% of the country’s demands and needs and is expected to meet 50% of the country’s water demands by the year 2060. The recycling of water includes a safe three-way process, including microfiltration, reverse osmosis, as well as ultra-violet disinfection, which makes the water fit for consumption.
  • Water desalination is achieved by using advanced technology, which is used to turn seawater into safe drinking water.
  • Local catchments are expected to meet up to 50% of the country’s demand, while desalination will meet 30% of the country’s demand by the year 2060.

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