Water retention occurs because of excess fluid build up in the body, also known as edema.

This condition may occur daily and without you even knowing it. It usually occurs in the circulatory system and can also occur within cavities and tissues in the body.

The most basic symptoms of water retention are swelling of the ankles, feet, and legs. It’s not a serious condition, yet it can become quite uncomfortable

It is known as one of the symptoms of pregnancy, especially when you get further along. In some women, it also occurs when getting their period.

Water retention also occurs in people who are inactive or sit for long periods of time and has also been listed as a symptom in many medical conditions, such as heart failure and kidney disease.

Unless you are a woman that’s pregnant or have their period, water retention is not something that should occur suddenly. If, however, it does, you should consult with your medical practitioner immediately, to identify the source thereof.

How to Treat Water Retention

#1 Stay away from the salt

Since salt raises sodium levels, it may also cause water retention in the body. Cutting down on something as simple as salt could prevent you from experiencing this condition altogether. If you struggle to adjust your diet quickly, start by limiting the number of processed foods you eat or cut it out completely.

#2 Vitamins and some minerals are your best friends

Specific vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B6 and magnesium, are both important for the formation of new red blood cells, which may reduce water retention during their premenstrual phase.

Vitamin B6 foods include nuts, potatoes, and bananas.

Magnesium is an important mineral that causes over 300 enzymatic reactions, that helps keep the body functioning and healthy. Consuming 200mg of magnesium daily will help combat premenstrual symptoms, such as water retention.

Magnesium can be found in dark chocolate, leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains.

Potassium is yet another mineral that will help combat this condition. It serves several functions in the body and keeps your heart healthy. It decreases sodium levels, which also treats the condition.

#3 Adjust your diet

Apart from consuming more vitamins and minerals that aids in your body’s health, staying away from any refined carbs or unnecessary sources of sugar, will also help your body beat the bloat, along with any excess water build-up.

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