The sea tends to consist of much more then you think. In fact, it consists out of everything from a dissolved material which is made from the Earth’s crust to materials that have been released from all types of organisms. Its main ingredients, however, are salinity, dissolved gases that consist of mostly oxygen and carbon dioxide, temperature, nutrients and a pH balance

The effect of the seas composition on marine life and the world

Salinity – The salinity of seawater makes up about 35 parts per 1000 in most of the sea. This is measured by the total of all the dissolved salts that are present in the water. Although this might seem like a low percentage of salt in sea water, as the sea is extremely salty, it is indeed a lot of salt. Its composition always stays the same though and never changes.

Marine life is highly affected when it comes to changes in the salinity of the ocean. This is due to osmosis, the ability of water to move into and out of cells, which responses to a dissolved material that ultimately, reaches an equilibrium.

Marine life is all affected by salinity as they respond to it as being either osmotic regulators or conformers. This has an even bigger effect on the entire ocean.

Temperature – The seas temperature all depends on the sun. It makes sense, if there are more sunrays in certain areas for a longer period, the sea water in that specific region will be warmer. That is why there are more hot water spots in more tropical areas as these tend to get sun the majority of the day and throughout most of the year too.

Dissolved Gasses – In order for marine life to survive, the concentration of dissolved gasses in the sea water is crucial. Both gasses are present to some extent in seawater but instead of keeping their proper form, they dissolve into a liquid form of seawater. This type of water is perfect for animals with gills. It helps them breathe, which is part of the reason that fish belong in the water.

Dissolved Nutrients – Dissolved nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium which are all important fertilizing nutrients for plant growth, aids sea water and increases from animal decomposition and their faeces. These tend to settle at the bottom of the ocean. That is also why there is a higher set of nutrients at the top of the ocean.

Ph Levels – Measured by acidity, pH remains as a stable substance measurement in sea water. The pH levels stay consistent between either 7.5 or 8.5.

Seawater has always been an amazing topic when it comes to both science and life. It is both interesting and fascinating, all at the same time. Definitely worth learning about too!

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