Water coolers used to be more predominant for business use; they are now commonly seen in private homes as well. Water coolers provide a way to get stay hydrated by drinking the purest, chilled drinking water available outside of a natural spring.

Drinking water is a vital part of staying healthy, losing weight and clearing up your complexion. Investing in a water cooler makes it easier to ensure that the water that you are putting into your body is non-toxic, and the fact that it is chilled helps even those who do not like drinking water as a rule, to drink more.

There are many different types of water coolers on the market from which to choose, and this can confuse most people so it helps to know what your needs are as well as the different factors and features that you should look for when deciding on which water cooler to purchase:

  • Auto-Sanitisation – This ensures that all parts that come into contact with the water are sterilised at the touch of a button
  • BWCA Member – Membership to the British Water Cooler Association (BWCA) entails the company adhering to strict rules and regulations governing technology and hygiene standards.
  • Cup Holders – Some water cooler models offer internal or external places where cups for the water cooler can be stored.
  • Drip Tray – A drip tray helps keep the clean-up easy and prevents messes from overflowing water.
  • Water Temperature – Some water coolers offer both hot and cold water, and others offer hot, ambient and cold options. This is perfect for making hot tea, coffee, soup and other drinks that require hot water.
  • Hot Water Safety Lock – This safety feature is important if there are children around as it keeps them from getting burned accidentally by the hot water faucet.
  • Purification System – A good filtration system is designed to remove sediment, lead, chlorine, and other small particles from the water. These are used mostly with point of use systems.
  • Recyclable Water Bottles – It is important for the environment that the bottles that are used in your bottled water cooler do not end up in a landfill somewhere but are cleaned and reused.