Drink Water for Good Oral HygieneDrinking water is vital to your good health, but I am sure that you never knew that it is also important to drink water for good oral hygiene.

Oral hygiene is important to all of us, and is one of the critical aspects of living a healthy, balanced life. Not practising good oral hygiene can lead to halitosis or bad breath, gum disease, cavities and even heart disease.

Drink Water for Good Oral Hygiene

We all know that we need to brush our teeth in order to keep them clean, not have bad breath and avoid cavities, and flossing is also important. What most individuals are not aware of is that proper hydration, in other words drinking water, is also important for good oral health.

Drinking water regularly is important for gum health. Gingivitis or inflamed gums is a very common oral health problem and is cause by harmful bacteria being buried under the plaque and tartar that collects on your teeth.

The good news is that your body has a natural defence against the bacteria that cause gingivitis; saliva. Saliva or spit as it is more commonly called, is formed by your body, but can only be created if you drink sufficient water on a regular basis. Drinking water regularly will not only help your body to create saliva, but it will also rinse the mouth, getting rid of bacteria that have not yet settled in.

Salt water is also very good for your oral hygiene and for the body in general. You cannot drink saltwater, as it will dehydrate you more, but swimming in saltwater is very good for skin conditions and also for cleaning and healing wounds. The minerals in salt water are also beneficial for soothing tired and sore muscles and there are many beneficial health properties to be had from salt that has been diluted in water.

It is important to drink water for good oral hygiene, but rinsing daily with lukewarm salt water is also very beneficial for your oral health as it aids in the prevention of plaque build-up and gum disease. Rinsing with salt water will also provide relief for sore gums as it gets rid of the harmful pathogens causing the inflammation.

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