How To: Be Water-WiseWith water-scarcity becoming a fact for more and more communities globally due to misuse and abuse of water resources by humans as well as due to global warming, it behoves each and every one of us to do what we can to be water-wise and save water where we can.

Being water-wise means only using the water that we need, thereby cutting down water wastage as much as possible. This is not difficult to do – all it takes is using our noggins and thinking about what we are doing when we waste this vital life-force without which no living thing on earth can survive.

Did you know that just flushing the toilet accounts for approximately 30% of water usage in any home or business? There is an easy and quick-fix for this though; install a modern dual-flush toilet which uses 9 litres less water PER FLUSH than older toilets do. Now we know not everyone can afford to just go and replace toilets willy-nilly but we have a solution for you too; place a brick in the cistern of your toilet; this will also save around half of the water normally used to flush.

Love your baths? So do I, but taking a nice long, relaxing bath generally means topping up on the hot water at least twice, and this amounts to a lot of water, so I have taken a vow to shower more and only take a bath when I really need to relax, and no more than once every fortnight. I also make sure that when I shower I take a short shower under my newly installed low-flow showerhead to save even more water.

These are just two ways in which one can be water-wise, but there are many more methods of saving water around the home and at work, like only running the dishwasher and washing machine for a full load and then making sure that the water that runs out runs into the garden; investing in a water cooler so that you always have chilled drinking water instead of wasting water by running the tap until it is cold enough to drink; or by not letting the tap run while you brush your teeth.

Don’t believe me? Try doing these things for 3 months and check the difference in your water bill – I promise that you will thank me not only for helping you to save water but also because you will have ore money to spend on other things.

Get water coolers and water cooler accessories from Living-Water. Rent water cooler and bottled water coolers in London for your home or office.