5 Home Remedies for Water RetentionWater retention happens when the body has problems expelling water, and can be caused by old age, an overactive thyroid, an excess of histamine, an imbalance of hormones or chemicals, or the improper functioning of an organ.

Water retention is also caused by dehydration because a lack of sufficient water in the body can cause a drop in blood pressure which can make the heart work harder to pump blood throughout the body and cause heart strain. A shortage of water can also cause the kidneys to malfunction due to a build-up of bacteria and other contaminants.

5 Home Remedies for Water Retention

Water retention causes swelling of the extremities, with the hands and feet and often entire limbs becoming bloated and inflamed and very uncomfortable.

Home remedies for dealing with water retention include:

  1. Eat Bananas – Bananas contain a lot of potassium which helps eliminate fluid. Eat them just like that, use them in smoothies or add them to your cereal in the mornings.
  2. Raised Feet – Keeping your feet raised and resting on a cushion on a stool while working, not crossing your legs as that can limit blood flow, and making sure you do not sit or stand for too long at a time will also help avoid swollen legs and ankles.
  3. Avoid Salt – Sodium increases fluid retention so avoid fast foods and processed foods and use pepper or other spices instead of salt to enhance your own cooking.
  4. Natural Diuretics – Natural diuretics like cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, watermelons, oats and cranberry juice will help rid you of excess fluid in the body.
  5. Drink Water – Drinking water is by far the most beneficial method of avoiding or getting rid of water retention. The body retains water when it fears a drought situation, which is generally when you are not drinking sufficient water and are partially dehydrated. The minute you drink sufficient water it will top retaining water for use later on.

It is always best to drink purified water which does not contain any chemicals that could cause allergies or bacteria or viruses which could cause infections or illness. One of the best ways to ensure that the water that you are drinking is pure is to purchase a good water cooler that has a triple action carbon filter installed.

Rent water dispenser and buy water dispenser online at Living-Water Ltd.