Where is the Best Spot for my Office Water Cooler?Since laws governing supplying staff members with drinking water at work came into effect and companies have realised that investing in office water coolers is good for their bottom line in a myriad of ways, they have become very popular.

Another thing that has made office water coolers more popular is the fact that these days they are not the ugly monstrosities that they used to be; they are svelte, modern, slimline, portable, constructed from state-of-the-art materials, and high-tech.

In a phenomenon known as the “water cooler effect,” it has become de rigeuer for individuals to gather around the water cooler and engage in deep conversation which used to be a concern to employers until they realised that these little impromptu meetings around the office water cooler were good for business.

Taking a few minutes to get a drink of water and engage in conversation with a colleague or two actually leaves the employee feeling more alert, and well-hydrated and regenerated, which means that they are likely to work more productively and for far longer without feeling fatigued.

Keeping the above in mind, it is essential that an office water cooler be placed somewhere that is easily accessible to all personnel without being in the way. A large company should invest in more than one office water cooler.

It is important that you do not place your office water cooler in direct sunlight as this could affect the water in bottled office water coolers, making it go green. Direct sunlight will also result in the office water cooler straining to keep the water chilled to optimal levels.

It is always a good idea to place an office water cooler against a wall so that it is out of the way and to avoid it getting bumped accidently, especially in the case of a bottled water cooler. Always make sure that you place the water cooler on an even surface and that there is enough open space around it so that everyone can easily access the water; also place a spill-mat around it in case of accidents.

A dedicated office water cooler in corporate colours and sporting your business logo in the reception area and/or in the boardroom especially for visitors to your company is sure to make a positive impression, especially on hot days.