How do I Choose the Best Water Filter?Choosing a water filter for either your home or business is an important task and one that should not be taken lightly. It is important that you choose the best water filter to suit your needs and your budget, and one that will give you the best quality drinking water.

No matter where in the world you live, nobody really wants to drink tap water because it is either not hygienic or it contains chemicals which have been proven to be toxic and even carcinogenic yet governments still use them.

The human body needs water to function optimally, making it crucial for us to drink water regularly so that we can replace the water our body loses via sweating, urination and other bodily functions to remain hydrated and in good health.

Choosing the correct water filter can be a rather daunting task as there are so many types from which to choose:

Countertop Water Filters

Countertop Water Filters are popular and effective and produce potable, healthy drinking water. Countertop filters are easy to install and easy to use. On the flipside, countertop filters sometimes fit badly, they may leak, and they take up counter-space.

Tap Water Filters

Tap water filters filter more contaminants and are inexpensive, but again there are often problems with the fit and leaking. Most tap water filters have a valve allowing you to switch between using filter and non-filtered water, which means that you save on changing filters – changing filters every 3 months can become expensive.

Under Sink Water Filters

Under sink water filters provide good water filtration; the filtration system is linked in to the mains water pipe and installed out of sight under the sink and with a separate tap on the countertop or sink. The flow of water is faster and they last longer, and multi-stage filters work well to remove most contaminants. The downside is that they must be professionally installed.

Water Filter Jug

If you do not need to filter much water, something simple such as a water filter jug or pitcher works great as they provide 8 – 12 glasses of filtered drinking water at a time. Levels of filtration are moderate, they are inexpensive, portable, and require no installation. The downside is that the process is a bit slow, and the jug takes up space in the refrigerator.

Water Coolers

Water coolers are a great choice to ensure that your drinking water is toxins and contaminants-free. Bottled water coolers dispense either spring water or filtered water, and point-of-use (POU) or mains water coolers are plumbed into your main water supply and can be fitted with a filter. Home water coolers and office water coolers dispense clean, pure, great-tasting chilled drinking water. Some water coolers also offer cold, ambient and hot water options, providing a single source for your drinking water and for your cup of coffee, hot chocolate or soup.