Make the change | 3 Reasons bottled water coolers are a sustainable solution

Plastic-free July is an annual global awareness initiative calling millions [...]

By |2024-04-16T13:09:01+00:00June 30, 2023|Environmental Matters, General, Living-Water, Office Water Coolers, Water At Home, Water At Work, Water Coolers, Water News|Comments Off on Make the change | 3 Reasons bottled water coolers are a sustainable solution

Winter Rains Continues to Restore the Western Cape’s Water Reserve in 2020

After a few years of dry winter conditions, Cape Town's [...]

By |2020-08-25T08:02:03+00:00August 25, 2020|General, Water News|Comments Off on Winter Rains Continues to Restore the Western Cape’s Water Reserve in 2020

Oil Spill in Mauritius Indicates a Massive Environmental Crisis

Mauritius is known as a wondrous island, one that everybody [...]

By |2020-08-14T10:03:05+00:00August 14, 2020|Environmental Matters, General, Water News|Comments Off on Oil Spill in Mauritius Indicates a Massive Environmental Crisis
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