City of Cape Town Finalist in C40 Cities Awards

6 Benefits of a mains-fed water cooler for your home or office

Whether you need to stay hydrated at home or keep [...]

By |2024-03-18T13:44:50+00:00September 11, 2023|Environmental Matters, Healthy Living, Living-Water, Office Water Coolers, Water At Home, Water At Work, Water Coolers|Comments Off on 6 Benefits of a mains-fed water cooler for your home or office

Make the change | 3 Reasons bottled water coolers are a sustainable solution

Plastic-free July is an annual global awareness initiative calling millions [...]

By |2024-04-16T13:09:01+00:00June 30, 2023|Environmental Matters, General, Living-Water, Office Water Coolers, Water At Home, Water At Work, Water Coolers, Water News|Comments Off on Make the change | 3 Reasons bottled water coolers are a sustainable solution

How are Water Resources and Climate Change Related to One Another?

When one considers water, it is impossible not to think [...]

By |2023-02-02T19:15:38+00:00February 2, 2023|Environmental Matters, General|Comments Off on How are Water Resources and Climate Change Related to One Another?

Sustainable Efforts Made to Cut Down on the Amount of Water Used in Fruit Farming

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) estimates that by [...]

By |2022-11-11T03:54:28+00:00November 11, 2022|Environmental Matters, General|Comments Off on Sustainable Efforts Made to Cut Down on the Amount of Water Used in Fruit Farming
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