Which is the Best Type of Drinking Water?Water is the one thing that nobody can do without, seeing that it makes up about 70% of our total body-weight and that the human body cannot function optimally without it. Plants need it, animals need it, industry needs it, and the agriculture sector definitely needs it; water is vital to our continued existence on this planet.

Now we know it is vital ,and we know that we need to drink water regularly in order for our bodies to do what we need them to do, but is it just okay to drink any water? What about the quality of the water that we drink – how does this affect us?

Let us quickly have a look at the different types of water that are available to us to drink:

  • Deionised Water – minerals and ionised impurities have been taken out but the bacteria and pathogens are still present;

  • Distilled Water – is merely water that has been vaporised and collected in some type of receptacle, and whereby any minerals and/or solid residues have been left behind, which means that distilled water has absolutely no minerals in it;

  • Reverse Osmosis Water – forced through fine membranes to remove larger particles, minerals and pollutants – usually quite acidic; and

  • Tap Watermunicipal water that comes out of your taps; disinfected, treated, and processed. It contains toxins such as fluoride and chlorine by-products, both of which are linked to cancer.

One thing common to all of the above is that they all lack minerals which are essential to our good health and without which we can suffer from high blood pressure, heart-beat irregularities constipation, insulin resistance, and migraines, among other problems.

So what is the best or healthiest type of water to drink? In my estimation it is spring water, which is why I contacted Living-Water last year and had them come out to give me a free water-needs assessment and quote for one of their Living-Water Bottled Water Coolers; they dispenses Living-Water Spring Water that is sourced from and bottled in the geologically famous Wenlock region and tastes like a little bit of Heaven.