Because drinking water or not impacts one’s brain reaction, we are not only talking about reaction times in sports when we talk about reaction times; we are also talking about reaction times at work. This is because drinking water or not influences one’s brain reaction.

When a person does not consume enough water, their brain functions more slowly because there is not enough liquid available to facilitate the transmission of electrical messages from the brain to the rest of the body via the nervous system. The human brain is composed of approximately 90 percent water.

Consume water in order to improve your reaction times

In hot weather, quenching your thirst with a cool glass of water can actually help your brain function more quickly, according to research conducted by scientists.

[Source: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience]

According to the findings of certain studies, people who consumed one litre of water before engaging in mental activities replied 14% more quickly than those who did not have a drink beforehand. It was also discovered that the effect was more significant among those individuals who were parched before beginning the activity that was being assigned to them.

Even slight dehydration can have an impact on a person’s mental performance, and this is something that should be kept in mind by those who are working or who need to be able to concentrate on the task at hand. Because people who sit at desks all day tend to experience a fall in their energy levels after lunch, this is especially relevant in settings where people remain at desks for the entirety of the workday.

Other research investigations that were conducted with schoolchildren came to the same conclusion; children who drank an adequate amount of water had improved attention spans and memories than those children who did not. It was also discovered that when children had greater access to water, not only did they drink more, but so did the teachers. Furthermore, it was shown that when children drank more water, they experienced less instances of illness.

Some people believe that it is best to drink water that has been chilled, while others insist that it is better to drink water that has been warmed to a temperature of lukewarm or even hot. More research is being done to determine whether or not the temperature of the water makes any difference at all.

You may readily acquire water at the temperature of your choice from a water cooler such as the Living-Water Executive Water Coolers, which provide options for cold, ambient, and hot water around the clock. Get in touch with Living-Water right now to receive a free evaluation and estimate of your water requirements.