How Much Water Do I Need?Around 70% of your body weight is water, and it is vital that you keep that balance as your body needs every drop of that water to function optimally. Without sufficient water the human body cannot maintain normal core body temperature, sweat, urinate, have a bowel movement, digest food, lubricate the joints, or get rid of waste through bowel movements.

If you do not drink enough water on a regular basis to replace the water you lose throughout the day from normal bodily functions you will become dehydrated. This could lead to an increased risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, muscle weakness and cramping, headaches, fatigue, confusion, a lack of coordination, and more.

How Much Water Do I Need?

Many individuals are confused as to how much water we need to drink every day. Long ago someone came up with the eight glasses per day idea, and this was strictly followed for decades until someone discovered that the original notes had actually been misconstrued and our water needs are unique.

Basically, you need to drink enough water regularly throughout the day to replace what you lost through sweating, urination, bowel movements and even just exhaling. Your need for water increases in warm or hot weather; if you are ill, especially if you have a fever, are vomiting, have diarrhoea or are coughing a lot; if you are engaged in any type of physical activity such as physical work or exercise.

According to the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board, women should drink around 2.5 litres of water daily, and men must drink around 3.5 litres. If that sounds a lot to you, then what you can do is track how much water you drink for a few days, remembering that part of your daily fluid requirement can also come from consuming fluids like soup, tea, coffee, juices, and eating water-rich fruit and vegetables. If your urine is pale yellow on the average amount of water you are drinking then you are fine; if it is darker then you need to up your drinking water intake.

Remember that if you are going to be spending time outdoors in hot weather or doing something strenuous like playing sports or running, you should drink water at least an hour before hand and make sure that you have water available to drink too.

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