One of the best ways to improve your health is by ensuring that you eat healthily and drink healthily. This does not mean that you have to give up everything tasty or fun, but just that you make sure that you balance out your eating and drinking of things that may not be good for you with those that are.

Believe it or not, one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health is to drink water regularly; we are not talking fancy bottled water that claims to have added vitamins or minerals or come from deep within the Alps or anything, just regular tap water.

Improve your and your family’s health in 5 easy steps:

1. Cut down on Caffeinated Drinks such as coffee, coke and energy drinks as much as possible. Again, we are not saying toss your morning cuppa, just do not drink too many caffeinated drinks throughout the day – they are high in caffeine , fructose corn syrup sugar, saturated fats, and high in calories.

2. Ditch the Diet Soft Drinks, which are also jam-packed with caffeine and artificial sweeteners. While they are sold as being “sugar-free” and good for one, some of them contain between 27-37 mg of caffeine, a diuretic that increase the flow of urine causing the body to get rid of excess water, thereby causing dehydration.

3. Scrap the Sodas, most of which are basically just flavoured water containing loads of sugar, preservatives and various other additives, none of which are good for your health. Consumption of these soft drinks has been linked to obesity, diabetes, tooth decay, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

4. Sling the Sugar Alternatives such as fructose corn syrup and other “alternatives” that one finds in many so-called “healthy fruit juices” and rather eat fresh fruit.

5. Drink Water in the morning; drink water throughout the day; drink water last thing before retiring for the night. Drinking water regularly keeps your body hydrated and healthy and prevents heart problems, kidney problems, bladder problems and much more. Invest in a water cooler to make sure that the water that you and yours are drinking is pure and contains no toxins.

Get bottled water coolers and mains water coolers from Living-Water.