If you are anything like me then you suffer badly from allergies in dusty, dry conditions and in the springtime and there is no fun in trying to work while sneezing repeatedly and trying to work with a running nose and tearing eyes.

All of these symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction to what is generally a harmless substance and treats the invader by releases antibodies to fight it. These antibodies cause the allergic symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. These same antibodies can also sometimes result in an asthma attack.

While most individuals concentrate on the symptoms of the allergy, assuming that the cause is airborne, few actually realise that there are other culprits that can be the cause of the allergy, including your drinking water.

Various studies have found that the source of your allergies could actually be some of the chemicals added to your drinking water to make it safe and hygienic. Chlorine is added to the water to make it hygienic and potable, and fluoride is added to drinking water in many countries across the globe in an attempt to counteract dental problems, especially in poorer countries where the user does not have the means for good dental health.

Chlorine, which is also found in many swimming pools, can cause allergies such as asthma, especially in children and those with an impaired immune system, worse. Chlorine sanitises water, but when it released in the form of sweat or steam from a shower, the vapour or gases released can cause asthma.

Fluoride in the drinking water can cause allergies in certain individuals, according to various studies undertaken across the globe, going back as far as the one published in the Annals of Allergy way back in 1967. Various other studies have also proven that fluoride is a carcinogenic.

The best way to avoid drinking these types of chemicals is to invest in a water cooler with a really good filter which can remove all impurities from your drinking water, including any vestige of chlorine and fluoride.

Contact Living-Water today for a free quote for a customised water cooler to suit both your needs and your budget.