While it is vital that we drink water regularly throughout the day, beginning first thing in the morning, to ensure that we maintain the approximately 70% fluid balance in our bodies in order for our bodies to work optimally, it is not a good idea to drink water that stood on your nightstand overnight.

The problem with drinking water that has stood overnight is that although water does not contain any sugars or proteins that may attract microbes and get easily polluted overnight, it can easily accumulate dust and bacteria.

Water that stands uncovered for a few hours tends to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2), a small portion of which is converted into carbonic acid, which changes the chemical composition of the water. The one or two protons released by the carbon acid it is turned into carbonate or bicarbonate, and this lowers the pH of the water.

While the water that has stood on your nightstand overnight is not bad as such, it is healthier for you to drink a fresh glass of water to start your day off with. Drinking a nice full glass of either tap water or luke-warm water in the morning will kick-start your metabolism, hydrate you after a long night without drinking anything, and help flush out toxins.

Another reason not to drink water that stood on your nightstand overnight can be taken from certain spiritual teachings, in which a glass of water is placed on one’s nightstand to catch bad dreams, entities and things that go bump in the night. The water is then flushed away. The same is practised in one’s work environment; a glass of water is placed on one’s desk to gather up negative energies from co-workers and poured out in a designated spot or flushed once a week.

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