The Connection between Giardiasis and WaterGiardiasis, also known as Giardia Lamblia, is an infection of the small intestine, and the connection between Giardiasis and water is that it occurs where there is inadequate treatment of drinking water or inadequate sanitation.

The Connection between Giardiasis and Water

Giardiasis is also known as travellers’ diarrhoea, in that it generally occurs during travel to less-developed countries where water treatment and sanitation are not of the highest standards. It is a parasitic gastrointestinal disease and there is an approximate 20% to 30% prevalence across the global population.

Signs and Symptoms of Giardiasis

The most common symptoms of giardiasis are abdominal pain, abdominal cramping and diarrhoea. Giardiasis infection also manifests as nausea and dry-retching, bloating, vomiting, fatigue and malaise. There is usually no fever involved.

Symptoms and signs of giardiasis so not occur for at least a week after infection has taken place and can remain hidden for up to three weeks. The severity of the symptoms range from mild to severe and the illness is self-limiting to between 2 to 4 weeks in the majority of patients. Patients who are not treated however can remain infected for months to several years.

How Giardiasis Can Be Prevented

It is quite easy to avoid being infected by the giardiasis virus by following a few simple guidelines:

  • Always wash your hands before preparing or eating food;
  • Avoiding using ice or making beverages with water that may be contaminated;
  • Do not drink water that has not been treated in an established water treatment facility;
  • Do not use water that you suspect is contaminated for personal hygiene such as brushing your teeth;
  • Either cook or peel fruits and vegetables that you suspect may be grown in conditions where Giardia contamination may occur
  • Ensure that you boil or filter water from fresh water streams or lakes before drinking it; and
  • Make sure that you always wash your hands after using the bathroom, touching pets, or changing diapers;

If you suspect that you may have Giardiasis, seek medical help immediately.



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