Your body is made up of around 70% water, which can be found in every single cell in your body. The human body cannot survive without water, and it can also not function optimally without sufficient water.

Drinking water is really important to keep your body in prime condition.

Drinking water allows the brain to think properly, allows the muscles to perform when needed, keeps your body temperature regulated, keeps you regular, and gets rid of toxins in your body.

It is easy to maintain good kidney health by drinking water, and critically important as the kidneys are the filters of the body.

Maintain Good Kidney Health by Drinking Water

Your kidneys are basically trash collectors; every day they process around 190 litres of blood, out of which they sift around 2 litres of waste products and excess water, which are turned into urine and sent to the bladder to be excreted. If your kidneys do not remove these wastes from your blood, they will build up in the blood and this could cause you to become ill.

The kidneys receive a combination of chemicals and waste products, and they filter those which your body can use, like phosphorus, potassium and sodium, and release them back into the blood to be transported back to the body where they are needed. In this manner the kidneys maintain the proper balance of these chemicals.

If there is insufficient water in your body, the kidneys will not be able to function correctly. Drinking water dilutes the minerals and salts in your urine; insufficient water may lead to the crystallisation of these waste products, forming kidney stones which are very painful to pass.

According to Dr. Timothy Mathew Medical Director – Kidney Health Australia, after a critical review of the published literature on the daily recommended water requirement ( eight 240ml glasses of water), water is the recommended fluid, but they disagree with the 8×8 rule.

According to Dr. Mathew,  those living in tropical or hot climates or practicing strenuous exercise should drink more water on a daily basis. Those with certain medical conditions that are characterised by excess fluid loss and increased urination should also drink more water.

Your kidneys, or the urine that they produce, indicate the level of dehydration in your body. Normal urine is light coloured; if your urine is dark it means that your body is dehydrated and you need to drink water immediately.


Kidney Health Australia


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