The human body is a wondrous mechanism; nevertheless, since it is so tightly intertwined and because it can accomplish so much with so little, the majority of people fail to appreciate its full potential and misunderstand its workings. Think about it: we can literally go without food for a few of weeks and still live, and if we do eat again, we can very rapidly get back to being in good health — how amazing is that? Just think about it.

The one thing that we obviously cannot live without is the one thing that the vast majority of us never even give a second thought to, but without which it is impossible for us to survive for more than about three days at a time. No, I’m not talking about oxygen; it’s common knowledge that our bodies require that substance. Rather, I’m referring to the so-called “Elixir of Life,” often known as H20 or just plain water.

Consuming water on a consistent basis is necessary for us to keep our bodies at the optimal water level of roughly 70 percent, which is required for optimal bodily performance. Because the human body cannot store water, when it becomes dehydrated it will take water from certain locations in order to make sure that essential organs can continue to function at their best. This is one of the problems that humans face.

Throughout the course of the day, we expel water through our gastrointestinal tract (in the form of faeces), kidneys (in the form of urine excretion), respiratory tract (in the form of breathing), and skin (sweating). In order to prevent ourselves from being dehydrated, we must quickly find another source of water.

Under typical conditions, an adult loses approximately 2.6 litres of water each day; 1.5 litres of water are lost through the kidneys;.04 litres of water are lost through the respiratory tract; 0.2 litres of water are lost through the gastro-intestinal tract; and we sweat out approximately 0.5 litres of water each day.

If the temperature is unusually high for the time of year, our fluid loss could be as much as double or even three times what it would be on a typical day. This is especially true if we are engaging in strenuous physical activity. When it is hot outside or when we engage in strenuous physical activity, we perspire more and lose more fluid as a result. This is why it is easier for us to become exhausted, to develop a headache, or to experience muscle cramps when we are overheated.

Fruits and vegetables with a high percentage of water content, such as watermelon, celery, tomatoes, oranges, and lettuce, as well as soups and broths, and other liquids, can provide approximately 20% of the daily required fluid intake; however, the majority of one’s fluid intake should come from drinking water.

Living-Water is the place to go to get water coolers and water coolers that are connected to the mains. It is possible to purchase bottled water and water coolers in London.