If you’ve never heard of water intoxication before, it’s important to pay attention to something that could cause a lot of harm to your organs and overall wellbeing.

Water intoxication is when your body gets poisoned by water. Not inadequate drinking water, but rather too much of the good, clean and healthy type of water. In fact, this condition is so severe, that it can disrupt the functionality of the brain and even increase the water levels of your blood.

Now, imagine your blood, a thick consistency of blood cells, being diluted with too much water. That is exactly what happens when you consume too much water.

Don’t get us wrong, water is necessary and must be consumed daily to remain healthy and increase the longevity of your life but consuming too much is never a good thing. When water mixes with your blood, it may also dilute electrolytes in the blood, particularly sodium. This usually leads to sodium levels dropping below 135 mmol/L, causing your body to experience hyponatremia. Given that sodium aids in balancing the fluids inside and outside of your cells, it may also shift fluids from outside to the inside of your cells, causing it to swell, take on abnormal forms, burst or even multiply in different forms.

When sodium levels decrease, your brain cells get affected, which may threaten your life at the end of the day.

Drinking Too Much Water – The Negative Effects

Apart from resulting in the swelling of your cells, particularly brain cells, water intoxication may increase the pressure inside of your skull. Some symptoms of this condition include headaches, vomiting and nausea and in severe cases, drowsiness, difficulty breathing, headaches, nausea, experiencing double vision, muscle weakness and the inability to identify sensory information.

The accumulation of excess fluid in the brain, also referred to as cerebral edema occurs in the most severe case, causing the dysfunction of the central nervous system, and when continued, can be fatal.

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