What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water?Drinking water is vital to our health, as we cannot function without water. The human body can function quite well for up to about a week without food, and can survive even longer than that as it will survive on its own fat, but it can only survive for around three days without water.

Let’s face it, there is nothing nicer than a nice long drink of water to cool us down when we have been outside in the heat of the day or have been doing some or other type of physical exercise.

What Are the Benefits of Drinking Hot Water?

While drinking cold water or iced water is what most people are used to doing, there are many benefits to drinking warm or hot water too, some of which you do not get with drinking cold water.

Drinking hot or warm water is good for:

  • Acne: Drinking hot water will deep-cleanse your body and eliminate root causes of acne-related infections.
  • Dandruff: Drinking hot water keeps your scalp hydrated and moisturised, preventing dandruff
  • Hair: Drinking hot water promotes the regular activity of the roots of your hair, accelerating hair growth. It will also energise the nerve endings in your hair roots, making them active, which will get back the vitality of your hair and keep it healthy and shiny.
  • Menstrual Cramps: Drinking hot water is a good way to help diminish menstrual cramps as it has a calming and soothing effect on the abdominal muscles.
  • Weight: Drinking a glass of hot water in the morning will kick-start your metabolism, especially if lemon is added and it will also help break down adipose tissue (fat).

Drinking hot water is also beneficial for your body in various other ways, so whether you are drinking hot or cold water it doesn’t really matter as they are both good for you, and as long as you are drinking water regularly and stay hydrated you should not have many health problems.

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