Do You Know that Water is Your Secret Weapon?Most people tend to overlook the benefits of hydration, and who will not drink water even if you pay them, although they will drink loads of soda, tea, coffee and alcohol. The problem with that type of thinking is that the human body needs good old H20 to function optimally, and no other liquid will do the job.

While the human body consists of 70% water, it cannot store water and loses water throughout the day via sweating, urinating and various other bodily functions. This means that it is imperative that you drink water throughout the day to replace that which you have eliminated, as water is involved in virtually every bodily process.

There is some good news for those who do not like drinking water however – you can get at least around 20% of your daily water requirement from raw plant foods which have a high water content, as can be seen from this list:

  • Baby carrots water content:4%
  • Broccoli water content:7%
  • Cantaloupe water content:2%
  • Cauliflower water content:1%
  • Celery water content: 95.4%
  • Cucumber water content:7%
  • Grapefruit water content:5%
  • Green peppers water content:9%
  • Iceberg lettuce water content: 95.6%
  • Radishes water content:3%
  • Spinach water content:4% water
  • Star fruit water content:4% water
  • Strawberries water content:0%
  • Tomatoes water content:5%
  • Watermelon water content:5% water

Why is Water a Secret Weapon?

Water is your secret weapon because it helps keep your brain working optimally so that you can think and work at your best; water is what helps you keep your body’s core temperature; water is what keeps your blood at the right viscosity so that it can deliver oxygen throughout your body; water keeps your muscles working optimally; water keeps your kidneys working optimally so that all the toxins can be eliminated from your body, and much more.

Drinking water regularly is the best thing that you can do to keep your body hydrated and healthy, and an added bonus is that drinking water can help you to both lose weight and to maintain your weight.

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