Do You Know What's Really in Your Bottled Water? Drinking bottled water has become a fad and big business took note of this very quickly, turning it into a multi-billion dollar cash cow.

All one saw in the media was how bad the tap water is, and how good and healthy it is to drink bottled water – oh yes, and of course how “cool” it is too; after all, all the biggest stars are doing it.

Unfortunately, when big business realises that they can make big money out of a fad, some of them have no scruples whatsoever and will cheat and lie to the public about the content of their so-called “healthy” product at the drop of a hat. SO, do you REALLY know what is in that supposedly healthy bottled water that you are spending thousands on every year in a bid to stay healthy?

Let me give you a clue; read what ingredients are in your water, especially those added “for taste” sometime:

Dasani bottled water, for instance, lists 4 ingredients on its bottled water label: tap water, magnesium sulphate, potassium chloride, and salt.

Tap Water: Dasani, which is owned by Coca-Cola, bottles tap water, which seems to defeat the whole purpose of purchasing and drinking expensive bottled water somewhat in my book. Really, if I wanted to drink tap water I would just open the tap in my kitchen.

Magnesium Sulphate: Magnesium Sulphate is also known as Epsom salts or bath salts and is a drying agent and a laxative. Why would anyone add a drying agent to a liquid meant to quench thirst unless it is a marketing ploy to encourage you to buy another bottle of water or perhaps a carbonated drink? Magnesium sulphate is also known to cause birth defects at high doses; it also has a bitter taste so why is it added?

Potassium Chloride: Potassium chloride is commonly used as a fertilizer it is also one of the three fluids injected in lethal injections to stop the heart. Potassium chloride has a “weak, bitter, unsalted flavour” with a “chemical or metallic aftertaste” so once again why would it be added for taste?

Salt: Table salt itself is rarely dangerous, but the practice of adding unspecified amounts of sodium during “food processing” can create unnecessary health issues and drinking a few bottles of bottled water containing salt every day could be lethal in the long run.

So, now that you have some idea what is in that bottled water that you are drinking, are you still going to waste your money on it? Want to drink pure, healthy water? Rather buy a mains water cooler with a good filter and you will have toxin-free, chilled drinking water at the touch of a button, and it will be healthier and cost you far less in the long run too.

Get bottled water coolers and mains fed water coolers from Living-Water. Hire water coolers and purchase water coolers in London.