Fancy a still, sparkling or a favourite in recent years, a flavoured water? If your answer is yes then you’re in luck, because all of these different types of packaged, bottled water have been manufactured and sold with a constant increase and obtaining a label of being in high demand.

Many people dislike the taste of regular water. Some even can’t stand to drink sparkling water and refer to it as bubbles without taste. Hence, the start of new products related to sparkling water, with the addition of added flavour.

It’s an underlying fact that flavoured water isn’t the healthiest option on the market, but when compared to soda, is it really that bad?

Due to the fact that it does contain water often leads people to think that it’s not as bad as carbonated sodas, but like with anything, adding artificial ingredients and flavour is never a good thing.

The Sugar Content in Flavoured Water

Flavoured water is pretty much sugar mixed with a whole lot of unnecessary calories that most people can’t afford to consume. In fact, flavoured water consists mostly of sugar.

One serving of flavoured water, which is about 250ml, can contain around 13g of processed sugar, which is about 3 teaspoons. Most bottled flavoured water gets sold in 500ml bottles, which concludes to 26g of sugar and sometimes, even more.

Replacing Regular Water with Flavoured Water

The general adult needs a minimum of six glasses of water in order for his/her body to function optimally. Regular water often gets replaced with flavoured water in hopes that it will suffice instead of drinking plain water. This, however, is not true.

When sugar is added to water or any type of raw food, the nutrient density is decreased, which means that drinking flavoured water actually means you’re just drinking sugar, filling your body with unnecessary calories. Apart from that, flavoured water also always contains some version of artificial colourants and preservatives, which even more, adds to an unhealthy lifestyle if consumed regularly.