It sounds strange to say that something like a water cooler can give one energy, but it is 100% the truth. Okay so, a water cooler does not really give you more energy; the delicious, pure, chilled drinking water that it dispenses does.

It is vital that you drink water during the day because your body needs the balance of around 70% water to be maintained so that it can function effectively. You see, your body cannot store water and loses it throughout the day, and this leads to dehydration which is not healthy for you.

By the time your mouth gets a bit dry and you feel thirsty you are already around 2% dehydrated. According to research, most of us walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time.

Dehydration in its mild stages can cause thirst, headaches, fatigue, impaired cognitive abilities and more – if this situation is not rectified it will lead to decreased sweating and urination, increased heart rate, respiration and body temperature, muscle spasms, vomiting, rapid pulse, and more. Extreme dehydration can lead to coma and death.

When you become dehydrated the salts in your blood and body become unbalanced, resulting in your muscles becoming dehydrated, which is what causes muscle-fatigue and cramps.

Starving your body of water also means that you are depriving it of electrolytes which it gets from water and needs for energy. This shortage results in a thickening of the blood, which makes your heart have to work harder to pump this blood throughout your body, taking vital nutrients and oxygen to every single cell. Dehydration causes heart problems and fatigue, which is why you often feel drained of energy in the afternoon unless you have had sufficient water to drink.

Drinking water throughout the day will thin your blood to the perfect viscosity to allow it to easily flow through your veins and provide the vital nutrients and oxygen your body needs as well as the electrolytes that give your body the energy it needs to function optimally.