Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling itself when gets overheated from physical exercise or in extremely hot weather. Ensuring that you drink sufficient water throughout the day will replace any fluids that you have lost and ensure that you remain fully-hydrated and healthy.

How does sweating cool you down? Sweat is comprised of salt and water and the main cooling element is evaporation. When you sweat warms, the top layer evaporates and leaves a thin layer of cool water on your skin which in turn cools you down.

The body’s internal thermostat, the hypothalamus, activates the sweat glands when the body gets too hot. The hypothalamus will kick in whether the body’s temperature is high, but if you find that you are sweating excessively or wake up at night sweating you need to find out why.

Sweating too much can result in dehydration if you do not replace the bodily fluids lost due to the sweating. Excessive sweating can occur for a range of reasons, including menopause, testosterone deficiency, androgen deprivation medication, alcohol, spicy food, caffeine and a fever.

You can counteract excessive sweating by:

  • Drinking one glass of water for every alcoholic drink to counteract the diuretic effects of the alcohol;
  • Staying in the shade when the weather is extremely warm;
  • Lowering the thermostat in your office or home;
  • Eliminating any causes of stress;
  • Using herbal remedies such as motherwort and sage tea help the circulatory and nervous systems, which may be causing your excessive sweating

Remember, while sweating is natural and even healthy, sweating excessively is not healthy and can lead to dehydration which could in turn lead to major health problems such as urination problems, kidney problems, heart problems, and much more.

The easiest way to ensure that you remain fully-hydrated at all times is to invest in a water cooler that can provide you with pure, chilled drinking water 24/7.