If you have any type of connection to the media, then you should know by this point that water is absolutely necessary for human health and even the very existence of humans. If there were no water on earth, it would be impossible for the human race to continue its existence here.

In addition to being an essential component of the human body, water is particularly important to the human brain, which is around 85 percent water by weight. Because dehydration hinders our cognitive function and has an incredibly negative effect on all neurological functions, drinking water on a regular basis is highly crucial for ensuring that our brain is operating at its peak performance.

Why is it so important for me to keep my brain hydrated?

The impact of dehydration on brain functions like visuomotor functions, psychomotor functions, and short-term memory can be absolutely devastating.

When the brain does not receive an adequate supply of water, it can result in the following:

  • Poor hand-eye coordination and motor skills.
  • Delirium
  • Disorientation
  • Extreme bewilderment
  • Hallucinations
  • Inability to concentrate on written materials or the display of a computer
  • Inability to think clearly or communicate effectively
  • An inability to concentrate

Have you ever experienced complete and utter lethargy, or have you ever been so overheated that it appears as though your brain is completely jumbled, and you are unable to think clearly, much alone execute any kind of mental function, especially calculations? This is most likely occurring due to the fact that you are dehydrated, and your brain is sending signals that it wants water as soon as possible.

To generate the electrical impulses that it sends to the various organs of the body to tell them what to do, the human brain needs to have access to water. In the event that your brain is unable to deliver these important signals, your lungs will be unaware that they are required to breathe, your heart will be unaware that it is required to pump, and so on.

Drinking a nice big glass of water to start the day and continuing to drink water as needed throughout the day is the best way to ensure that your brain has all of the water it needs to function as it should, on all cylinders. This is the best way to ensure that your brain has all of the water it needs to function properly.

Get a water cooler with a filter that can dispense water that smells and tastes so good that you will just want to drink it all the time if you live in an area where the tap water really smells or tastes like chemicals. If you do not like the taste of tap water or if you live in an area where the tap water really tastes or smells like chemicals, do yourself a favour and get a water cooler with a filter.

You can rent water coolers from Living-Water or buy water coolers from an online retailer. In London, you may get both water coolers that use bottled water and water dispensers that use mains water.