According to the recommendations of several authorities, beginning your day with a refreshingly tall glass of ice-cold water, no matter how refreshing it may be on a hot day, is not necessarily the best method to consume water first thing in the morning.

The benefits of drinking water first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything else have been preached by many people recently, but if you are drinking cold water, you are doing it wrong. We need to drink water regularly throughout the day in order to be hydrated and healthy.

What advantages does it have to drink warm water first thing in the morning?

It is recommended that we consume hot water rather than cold water in accordance with the principles of Ayurveda, which is an ancient Hindu practise for curing illness and extending life that is founded on the idea that one’s state of health and well-being is the result of achieving a delicate balance between one’s mind, body, and spirit.

Simply consuming hot water that has been boiled first flushes the lymphatic system, softens rigid tissues, and then dilates, cleanses, and hydrates deep tissues. In addition to this, it mends and fixes the digestive system and cleans out the GALT (lymph on the outside of the intestinal wall).

A dehydration deficit in the body can result in cramping as well as bloating. Constipation can be alleviated by drinking one cup of warm water first thing in the morning. This helps to stimulate bowel movement and flushes out any toxins that may have accumulated during the previous day.

Because it raises your core temperature and revs up your metabolism, drinking warm water first thing in the morning can also assist you in losing weight. This is because it causes your body to burn more calories, which ultimately results in a smaller number on the scale.

Warm water is the most effective natural pain reliever that can be found, and drinking it can even alleviate the discomfort associated with menstruation. This is because drinking warm water promotes capillary circulation, relaxes the muscles in the stomach, and relieves cramps.

Because it flushes out the toxins that accelerate the ageing process, drinking warm water first thing in the morning can also help slow down the ageing process. This is related to the fact that drinking warm water flushes away toxins. Additionally, it aids in the maintenance of the skin’s suppleness.

Living-Water is your source for water cooler rentals as well as water cooler sales. You can have water coolers that are fed from the mains, water coolers that are fed from bottled water, or both for your house or office.