If you know anything about frogs or lizards, as well as any other type of amphibian, you probably know that they’re found near either wet or moist water conditions.

That is because they need this type of environment, as their habitat, to be able to survive. They will never travel too far away from moist living conditions, or water, unless they or their environment are threatened, and they absolutely must.

While most people might think of amphibians as being a simple green frog, or lizard, there are, in fact, 6,000 different kinds of species, which all include frogs, toads and species of lizard, such as Anura, Gymnophiona, Apoda, and Caecilians to name just a few.

How do amphibians breathe?

Before amphibians reach adulthood, they first experience a larval stage, where they breathe primarily through their gills. When they get older, they start to breathe through their lungs, which allows them to live on land. Due to their gill-breathing stage, they must, however, be close to water, or even primarily live in water, to be able to survive.

Another fundamental reason why amphibians need to be near water is the fact that they lay their eggs in water, which is crucial for the larval stage of the eggs to survive.

When eggs are laid, frogs are born and referred to as toads during the period they spend living in water. During the stage of becoming a tadpole, they need to remain in the water to survive. Being an amphibian, however, means to live on land, as well as in the water.

Frogs that don’t live in water or moist environments are desert amphibians, which survive by storing water in their bladders and will also wait for cyclic rains to reproduce in either puddles or water holes.

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