How Water Boiler ModelsHot water boilers are becoming very popular in many companies in the UK of late because they offer instant hot water, thereby saving on labour and electricity costs.

Gone are the days when companies employed tea-ladies whose only job it was to make tea or coffee for the staff and visitors and wash the crockery afterwards. The workplace has changed, and these days many of the staff either work from home or are so busy that they do not really have time to take a 15-minute tea-break twice a day, so drink on-the-run as such, and at whatever time suits them.

How can I Get the Most out of a Hot Water Boiler?

The changing landscape of the workplace, which has become far more frantic in line with the technological advances means that many businesses do not even have a tea-room anymore.

Companies are looking for easier methods to supply their staff with drinking water as well as with hot water for hot drinks, in line with legislation requiring them to provide employees with access to safe drinking water throughout the day.

A hot water boiler is the perfect solution to the above. Hot water boilers come in freestanding, counter-top or wall-mounted models, and are guaranteed to save you on time and electricity bills.

Living-Water, London’s top Water Company, offers both counter-top and wall-mounted models which are rugged, easy to clean and to service and offer the following features:

  • Durable stainless steel boiling chamber
  • Non-drip Tomlinson-type tap
  • Self-priming pump
  • Brushed stainless steel exterior
  • Draining facility via a drip tray
  • Electric elements
  • Safety cut-outs
  • User-friendly display

Investing in a hot water boiler will allow your employees to help themselves to a hot drink when they need one and have time to drink one, not when the company dictates; they are not school-children after all. Having a hot water boiler will save time because they do not have to wait around for the kettle to boil; there is instant hot water at their fingertips, and this will lead to happier, more productive employees, which will impact positively on your bottom line.

All you really have to do to get the most out of your hot water boiler is to install it and let it do the rest.


Hot Water Boiler

The hot water boiler range offers outstanding quality and reliability. The range is available in counter top and wall mounted models, both of which are easy to clean and service. Get hot water boilers today at Living-Water!