Money bagI bet you read this title and thought yeah right, how can water make me wealthy? Well, if you believe in the Eastern beliefs like Feng Shui, then according to various individuals, water can make you wealthy.

Flowing water symbolises income, so having a lake, a natural pond or a water fountain in or around your home will not only relax you but will, according to Feng Shui beliefs, also make you wealthy as it will attract money to you.

As long as the water flow is natural and unthreatening, it symbolises a good income in the form of a regular monthly income; when accumulates it signifies wealth and an accumulation of assets such as a company, property or business.

For this to work, you should get a water fountain and place it in one of the wealth corners of your home; south east, south west and north. Should these areas fall in your bedroom, bathroom or kitchen though, you must place the water feature in the wealth corner of your living room.

Placing a dragon near your water fountain or water feature is symbolic of gaining power and makes the wealth accumulation much stronger.

How Can Water Make Me Wealthy?

Of course if you do not believe in the Eastern way of life and its beliefs, then you could always become wealthy by not purchasing those four bottles of water every day, and stop your family buying bottled water as well.

Bottled water is mostly just a fad and really no healthier for you than any other water, especially seeing that many of the companies that sell bottled water are just scamming you into thinking that the tap-water they have bottled is from a underground aquifer at the South Pole, and doing a great job of it I might say.

Instead of wasting so much money on bottled water, invest in an office water cooler and/or a home water cooler. The initial outlay may be a bit higher than what you would like to spend, but trust me when I say that a water cooler will more than pay for itself over and over again.

Living-Water offers a wide range of bottled and mains-fed water coolers that have great features and optional water filters.  They are slim, robust, hygienic, come in a range of colours, and there are floor-standing, under-counter and counter-top models available.

Contact Living-Water today for a free water needs-assessment, start reaping the health benefits of pure, tasty water and see how water CAN make you wealthy.