British currencyEvery day millions of individuals globally are spending millions on purchasing bottled water because they do not like the taste of the water in their taps. This is not only a huge wastage of money but also really bad for the environment because most of those bottles end up in landfills.

So, if you have been thinking about the amount of money that you spend annually on bottled water and have asked, “How much could a water filter save me?” then read on.

How Much Could A Water Filter Save Me?

Apart from the fact that many of the claims made on bottled water labels are just outright lies; many of the companies just bottle ordinary tap water and market it as coming from some exotic region or an underground spring, or an artesian well.

To figure out how much you can save by not purchasing bottled water, just take what you spend on one bottle and multiply it by how many bottles you drink per month and times that figure by twelve to find out how much your annual spend on bottled water is:

  • The average price of a 500ml bottle of water is around £2;
  • Multiplied by 3 bottles per day = £6;
  • Multiplied by 30 days per month = £180;
  • Multiplied by 12 months gives you an Annual Spend of £2 160

Purchasing a water filter system for around £200 and replacing the filter quarterly at £15 per = £260 in the first year and just £60 annually thereafter. This already gives you a saving of £2 100 per annum just for YOUR bottled water. Add to this the bottled that the rest of your family drinks and this could add up astronomically.

Purchasing a mains-fed water cooler with a filter would provide you and the rest of your family with a virtually endless supply of great-tasting, chilled, filtered water for far less than your bottled water is currently costing you, so what are you waiting for?

Living-Water stocks the H14P 8000 litre volume filters ensuring our customers experience only the very best drinking experience. These filters are all 1 micron, as well as extracting contaminants they also improve taste, odour and clarity. Get filters for mains water coolers at Living-water today!

Get a free water cooler trial or free site water assessment in London.