Because water makes up about 70% of the human body, it is essential that we drink plenty of it to keep our fluid levels balanced.

In spite of the debunking of the eight-glass rule, we all still need to ensure that our daily water intake is sufficient for our own individual needs.

Ten Reasons to Increase Your Water Consumption

As a result, a large number of people are constantly in a dehydrated state because they do not drink enough water on a daily basis.

Since the 8X8 theory is no longer valid, the message is that we get a significant portion of our water needs from fruits and vegetables, and as a result, people are actually drinking less water than they were previously.

It isn’t being emphasised enough by nutritionists, dieticians, and other medical professionals that one still needs to drink at least 75 percent of their daily fluid intake from water. This is due to the fact that most of the water in the vegetables we eat is released during cooking, so they are no longer raw.

Ten good reasons to drink more water have been compiled for those who need a nudge in the right direction, and they include:

1. You would overheat if you didn’t have water in your system.

2. Approximately 80% of your blood is water. You can’t make healthy new blood cells without water in your body!

3. A network of tubes, nodes, vessels, and fluid called the lymphatic system moves waste out of your tissues, reducing pain. Water is essential for its proper functioning.

4. The kidneys, lymphatic system, and intestines all depend on water for waste and toxin removal.

5. In addition to lubricating your joints, water helps to protect them from wear and tear.

6. The water in your bones is essential for the formation of new bone cells, which is why it is so important to drink plenty of water.

7. In order to protect your brain from being damaged by being slammed into your skull, it consists of about 90 percent water. Your nervous system and brain will function optimally if you have adequate electrical functioning in your body, thanks to water.

8. Your metabolism is regulated by drinking water, which helps you maintain a healthy weight.

9. Water is essential for the optimal functioning of every organ and cell in your body.

10. Drinking water is good for your digestive system because it helps break down the food that you consume.

There are ten good reasons to drink more water, and if you don’t, your body’s biochemical and electrical processes will break down and you will die.

Companies can rent water coolers from Living-Water in London, and they can also purchase water coolers from the company. For your office or home, get an under counter or pou water cooler.