Drinking water is essential for human survival and optimal performance, so your health and the health of your drinking water are inextricably linked.

Keeping hydrated is essential because every cell in the human body contains water and relies on it to function properly. We need to ensure that the water we drink is pure and free of pollution and toxins because drinking polluted water could do more harm than good.

Taking Care of Yourself and the Water You Drink

Water in nature is a vital resource that connects a wide variety of people and places. Rivers and streams that flow through an area can often reveal a lot about the people who live there, including their lifestyle, socioeconomic status, and overall environmental awareness.

Runoff from human activities is deposited in the rivers near where people live and work. Many of these streams and rivers are also used to provide drinking water for the communities in which they are located.

All kinds of aquatic life can thrive in rivers, streams, and wetlands that are in good health. As a result of rainwater, photosynthesis, and the tumbling of fast-flowing streams, mountain streams have high oxygen levels. Other food sources such as decaying plants and nitrates are also brought on by the oxygen in the air. Water plants use photosynthesis to produce oxygen and a variety of other nutrients that are essential for aquatic life.

Deforestation, industry, energy use, mining, river damming, the destruction of wetlands, urbanisation, agriculture, and unintentional water pollution all contribute to the pollution of freshwater sources with sewage effluent, fertilisers, and other harmful pollutants. The pollution causes this water to be toxic to humans, which can cause them to become ill or even kill them.

Fresh water is essential for human health, but drinking polluted water can be harmful to our well-being and ability to perform at our best. Toxins, pollutants, and disease-causing organisms must be eliminated from our drinking water. Animals and plants are also at risk from contaminated water.

It is essential that your health and the health of your drinking water remain viable in order to continue to function optimally.

You can rent or buy water coolers from Living-Water.