With tons and tons of research, scientists and experts have finally concluded which place on earth has the least amount of water. They were left with a place that to some, would seem to have the most water, Antarctica.

If you think about Antarctica, it is a place at the bottom of the globe that has ranked to be the coldest and is covered in ice, snow and surrounded by sea water. Although seawater cannot have a place be considered to have ‘water’, the fact that it has the least is still mind-baffling to many.

There is a specific place in Antarctica, referred to as the Dry Valleys. This unknown location hasn’t had rainfall for nearly two million years and in addition to its dry state, has no precipitation whatsoever. It makes out about 4800 square kilometers of no water, snow, nor ice. Although there are lakes such as Lake Vida, Lake Bonney, the Onyx River and finally, Lake Vanda, it still does not have any net water gain.

Why is there no water?

A question that can only be explained by science as we have it. The reason for the millions of years lack of rain is due to the Katabatic winds. These are winds from mountains of which its moisture is so heavy that its gravity pulls it down and furthermore away from Valleys in the region.

Another reason is with regards to Lake Bonney, for example, that is covered with ice of up to five meters and since the summers never allow the sun to shine bright enough, there is no chance of the ice melting. This lake does not even possess fresh water, as it is three times saltier than the ocean, which also made it difficult for animals to survive. There have even been discoveries of seals that were mummified around the lake.

The next driest place on earth?

With further strange finding, the water below the ice has approximately reached 25 degrees Celsius warmer, which is if you think about, a phenomenon on its own.

When looking at the next futuristic driest place on earth, we’re looking at the Atacama Desert in Peru and Chile, which is as scientists have found, is not far behind the Antarctic.

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