If you’re worried about coming into contact with polluted water, there are many ways that you can prevent it, and even recognize when water is polluted.

Firstly, water pollution is primarily found in rivers and can be described as a non-drinkable source of water, that has been contaminated in some way. This state of water is not suitable for human, animal, nor plant consumption and is also referred to as dirty water.

Polluted water thus has the potential to cause severe damage, to humans, when ingested or used for the use of daily activities.

If water is polluted in rural areas or developing countries, it is sometimes still used for washing or cooking, but only in severe conditions of poverty, or in regions where water scarcity is present. This water, however, must be boiled, before used in any way.

How to Prevent or Get Rid of Polluted Water

  • Don’t dump anything into rivers, dams, or any water that serves some purpose. Even if it doesn’t seem like anybody is using the water, the environment may still react negatively towards you dumping anything into the water.
  • Ensure to always clean and maintain any septic systems properly, as they might leak and be exposed to groundwater.
  • Dispose of any pesticides, as well as chemicals in a proper manner. Don’t dispose of it by using your toilet, sink, pipes or drains. In fact, you shouldn’t even be throwing these in your yard, as it will come into contact with some sort of water source.
  • Follow water laws, rules and regulations to prevent any contamination or legal risk, regarding water, from occurring.
  • Don’t use bleach when you do your washing, as it can be poisonous to the environment.
  • Clean your yard on a regular basis to avoid any groundwater pollution.
  • Don’t pour cooking fats or oils down the sink, as this can clog up drains that cause illnesses and bacteria to spread in your drain.

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