Dispelling the Misconceptions Around Drinking Water It seems that too many individuals think that water is boring and that it is not necessary to drink water on a regular basis for good health; so much so that research has shown that most of us walk around at least partially dehydrated most of the time.

Why is it that we pay for less attention to hydration than to nutrition, even though our bodies consist of around 70% water?

It seems that the most common misconceptions around water and hydration are:

  • That one only needs to drink water when one is thirsty. This is completely incorrect! In actual fact, by the time that we feel thirsty we are already around 2% dehydrated. By this stage dehydration may already be affecting how the body and mind are functioning. Rather focus on drinking water at regular intervals throughout the day because if you wait until you are thirsty it may be too late and you r body will already be under stress.
  • Confusing the symptoms of thirst for hunger: Quite often when you think you are hungry and head for the snack shack you are most probably actually just thirsty. If it has not been that long since you have eaten, rather drink a glass of water. Apart from remaining hydrated, you may also find that you lose weight this way.

While most of us know that we should by rights be drinking more water, many do not necessarily understand how important it is to stay hydrated. What most do not understand is that not drinking water does not just leave you thirsty but also negatively affects your mood, energy levels, and mental acuity.

The amount of water that you should be drinking is dependent on your gender, age, physical exercise, geographic area and general health. An easy way to check if you are drinking sufficient water is to check the colour of your urine -The perfect colour should be pale and kind of straw-coloured; the darker it is the more dehydrated you are.

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