What are the Advantages of Office Water Coolers?Do you have a water cooler at work? If you don’t, and it is because your boss does not think that getting one is a good investment, then perhaps you should show him (or her) this article, because investing in an office water cooler is extremely advantageous for both the personnel and the company.

Many companies have already realise that a water cooler is an investment not just random expenditure and that it is actually a great tool to have in their arsenal of office tools, because it benefits the staff in a myriad of ways which translate into great benefits for the business as well.

There are basically two kinds of office water coolers; bottled water coolers and Point of Use (POU) or mains water coolers:

  • Bottled Water Coolers:

Bottled water coolers are so named due to the fact that a large bottle is inverted on top of the water cooler and needs to be replaced whenever it is empty. Bottled water coolers are better-suited to smaller businesses of less than 200 staff members and which also have the space to store both full and empty bottles. Bottled water coolers come in floor standing or counter top models, as well as a model that offers an additional hot water function.

The bottles have a capacity of between 10 – 20 litres; Living-Water, London’s premier water company, supplies 18.9 litre bottles filled with their own Living-Water Spring Water bottled at source in the famous Wenlock range.

  • Mains Water Coolers:

Mains water coolers are plumbed into the main water line and therefore perfectly suited to any size office space. POU office water coolers come in floor-standing, countertop and filter tap cooler solution models, and can be customised to each client’s requirement.

All mains water coolers can have a filter attached to ensure that your drinking water is completely free of pollutants including chlorine and fluoride.

Advantages of Office Water Coolers

Office water coolers ensure that all staff members are fully hydrated at all times, which means that they will be off sick far less. Drinking water regularly will ensure that their brains are operating at optimum levels and that they have sufficient energy; it will also raise productivity levels which will impact majorly on the company’s bottom line.

An office water cooler will also save on the thousands if not millions that is spent annually on bottled water, and has the added advantage of ensuring that less plastic bottles end up in landfills for the next thousand years or so.