Water Coolers - What are They?The human body consists of approximately 70% water, which we are constantly losing via perspiration, breathing, urinating and various other means. It is vital that the balance of body fluids is kept so that all of our cells and organs can do what they are meant to. Every cell, organ, muscle and bone needs water, so drinking water regularly is crucial to our health.

One of the easiest ways to ensure that you are drinking enough water every day is to invest in a home water cooler and convincing your boss to invest in an office water cooler. Water coolers are the best way to get easy access to drinking water whenever you want or need it.

Water Coolers – What are They?

So you have heard from so many sources that water coolers are the latest fad in homes, offices, sports clubs, clubs and even schools, but what are they really?

Water coolers are appliances that chill and dispense drinking water. They come in a number of styles and models, some of which offer chilled, ambient and hot water. Some water coolers called water fountains are more suited to open public spaces and schools where it is preferable to drink water from a fountain to drinking from a cup or glass.

Bottled Water Coolers

  • Bottled water coolers are very popular as home water coolers and as office water coolers for smaller offices.
  • Bottled water coolers have a big bottle of water installed on the top of the water cooler, neck-down
  • The user turns a valve to release the water through a nozzle or spout on the front of the water cooler
  • Some bottled water coolers are stand-alone units that do not need electricity while others use electricity to chill the water in the cooling reservoir
  • One of the reasons that bottled water coolers are popular is that they are portable, so they can be moved to another position to get them out of the way or if the sun strikes them in the summer months
  • The bottles of water for bottled water coolers need to be replaced and are generally delivered by a water company according to your needs

Bottleless Water Coolers

  • Bottleless water coolers are also known as mains water coolers or point-of-use (POU) water coolers
  • Bottleless water coolers are plumbed in to the main municipal water line so are not portable
  • Mains water coolers are more suited to a large office where there is a need for chilled drinking water for many people
  • POU water coolers are generally plugged into an electrical socket and many models offer ambient and hot water as well as chilled drinking water
  • Bottleless water coolers can have a water filter added so that all toxins are filtered out of the water long before it gets to your glass

Office water coolers are very popular and are seen as an investment by companies as they realise that keeping their workforce hydrated is to their benefit. Individuals who are well-hydrated will work smarter, harder and for longer because they are able to perform optimally and get sick very seldom.

Office water coolers make drinking water very accessible and often into gathering spots for staff members, who use the quick break to drink water, catch up on a bit of gossip, discuss projects, have a laugh and de-stress a bit.

Companies used to worry about time-wasting until they realised that providing office water coolers encouraged individuals to drink water more often and this actually improved their mood amongst other benefits. It has been proven that investing in office water is good for a company’s bottom line, and that is what counts with the bosses.