The majority of experts agree that people should consume the equivalent of eight decent-sized glasses of water per day, which is approximately two litres, but the National Health Service recommends that patients consume 2.5 litres of water per day in situations where it is clinically appropriate to do so.

Because the majority of individuals, particularly older people, do not drink anything close to that quantity, even mild dehydration is extremely prevalent. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to urge both patients and staff members to drink more water.

Use these suggestions to encourage people to drink more water:

1. Hospital staff members should be encouraged to adopt a policy for the provision of water and the monitoring of patients’ water intake.

2. Pictures of water droplets can be hung in wards and near patient beds to serve as a visual cue for nurses and serve as a reminder for them to encourage patients at higher risk to drink more water.

3. When dealing with patients, a pleasant attitude is the best way to go. It is generally more beneficial to say, “Here, let me get you something wonderful and cool and refreshing to drink,” than than to ask, “Do you want something to drink?”

4. The water should be supplied fresh and should not be left out in open containers.

5. Because most people prefer to drink a small bit at a time, it is important to provide water not just during meals but also in between courses.

6. People who are older or who are ill may lose their ability to respond to thirst and may also lose their sense of taste; therefore, it is important not to assume that these individuals will know when they need to drink.

7. Since patients have a tendency to consume all of the liquid in their glasses after ingesting pills, providing them with bigger quantities of water at this time encourages them to drink more.

8. When families and friends come to visit, it is important to make sure they are aware of how important it is to promote hydration.

9. Patients who prefer hot beverages have the option of having hot water prepared with slices of citrus fruit such as lemon, lime, or orange added to it.

10. Patients who are at risk of becoming dehydrated or who require assistance with drinking should be watched, and the amount of fluid that they consume should be noted.

Living-Water is the place to go to purchase water coolers in London as well as accessories for water coolers. You can choose between mains fed and bottled water coolers when you rent one for your home or office.