Many people make the mistake of skipping out on the daily recommended dosage of water. Many people drink one or two glasses, whereas there are also people that don’t drink anything at all. It is a big issue, and in the name of health, proper hydration is something too simple to get wrong. There is such a thing as drinking too much water, but even your grandmother, parents, or teacher in school should’ve advised you that eight glasses of water are recommended if you want to be in tiptop shape.

Apart from slacking on drinking your eight glasses of water, is there a right and wrong way to drink water? Well, apparently, yes. There is a lot of things people do wrong when it comes to drinking water, and although completing the action of drinking seems so simple that a toddler could do it, here are a few things you need to know.

How to Drink Water the Right Way

  • Sit down and drink water. Don’t stand.

This may sound absurd, but when you stand and drink, you disrupt the fluid balance in your body, which can cause fluids to flow into the joints and cause arthritis. It is recommended to sit and drink water as this allows your muscles and nerves to relax, which allows your body to digest water more easily. When you sit down, your kidney’s filtering process also improves.

  • Don’t chug water.

When drinking water, take smaller sips, swallow the water, and breathe before you take another sip. The same goes for eating your meals. It is necessary to drink water throughout the day little by little to ensure your digestive system is working properly. It also helps you to lose weight by staying fuller for longer.

  • Room temperature or warm water is better than cold water.

You may like to add ice, but that doesn’t mean it’s good for you. It can throw off your digestion by shocking your system and decreasing blood supply to organs that cause constipation, bloating, and belly pain.

  • Drink when it’s needed.

You don’t have to drink water when you aren’t thirsty. If your body needs water, your brain will let you know. Measure your drinking without feeling too full throughout the day.

Get bottled water dispensers and plumbed water coolers from Living-Water in London.