Did you know that you are probably walking around at least partially dehydrated most of the time? Our bodies consist of around 70% water, but the human body cannot store water and we lose it throughout the day, so unless we continually drink water, we will become dehydrated.

Dehydration can result in headaches, dizziness, fatigue, dry skin, decreased sweating and urination, constipation, increased heart rate, respiration and body temperature, muscle cramps or spasms, vomiting, neuromuscular seizures, chest pain, coma and eventually death.

A Few Simple Tips to Avoid Getting Dehydrated

  • Start every day with a large glass of water before eating or drinking anything else; this will make up for all the hours of dehydration while you were asleep.
  • Check the colour of your urine throughout the day – light, straw-coloured urine means that you are well-hydrated; darker urine means you are dehydrated.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables with a high water-content such as watermelon, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini, radish and celery.
  • Drink water throughout the day in addition to other liquids such as coffee, which is a diuretic that makes you urinate more often.
  • Drink water at least 30 minutes before exercising, and also during any prolonged exercise.
  • Finish your day off by drinking a large glass of water before retiring for the night.
  • Add some lemon slices, cucumber, or mint to your drinking water to make it more palatable and encourage you and others to drink more.

Make an investment in your health; purchase a water cooler that will supply you with filtered, chilled drinking water virtually 24/7.

Living-Water has a range of bottled water coolers that dispense chilled Living Water Spring Water sourced in the heart of the Wenlock range, a designated area of outstanding natural beauty, and a SSSI (Special Site of Scientific Interest).

Living-Water also offers top-of-the-range mains water coolers that are plumbed directly into your main water supply and can be fitted with the Living-Water Triple Activated Carbon Filter, to supply you with the purest, best tasting chilled drinking water you have ever tasted.

Get bottled water coolers and plumbed water coolers from Living-Water.