What Are Some of the Benefits of Using a Water Filter?No matter where you live, your tap water may taste or smell a bit strange due to the chemicals used to sanitise it by a water company or your local municipality. In the UK for instance, many individuals complain that they can smell and taste the fluoride that is added to the drinking water in some areas.

Many the local municipalities worldwide are still piping their water through ancient water pipes that may contain heavy metals such as iron which can leech into the water; sometimes various other contaminants get into the water via breaks in the pipes, or the water can get contaminated by agricultural runoff containing pesticides. Some of the toxins in drinking water can cause diseases such as cancer, and should be avoided.

It is because of the above that it is often a good idea to use a water filter, either a whole-house filter, a tap filter, or a filter fitted to a water cooler which is plumbed into your main water line.

Some of the benefits of using water filter include:

  • Drinking filtered water is far healthier for those with impaired immune systems from diseases such as cancer or HIV;
  • Drinking filtered water is healthier for children as it helps them develop strong immune systems;
  • Filtered water is great for hair, as washing your hair in it makes your hair softer and shinier, which automatically makes it look healthier and shinier;
  • Over-exposure to chlorine and other toxins can weaken your nails; a water filter will remove these toxins;
  • The chlorine used to sanitise water makes the skin dry and dull-looking – using a whole-house filter will ensure your skin has a healthier glow;
  • Water filters can remove cryptosporidium and giardia from drinking water, reducing the risk of contracting gastrointestinal disease by more than 33%
  • Water filters can remove in excess of 2 100 toxins from your drinking water;
  • Water filters eliminate contaminants in the drinking water that could cause rashes, allergies or skin irritations;
  • Water filters reduce the risk of bladder cancer, colon cancer, and rectal cancer by removing chlorine and chlorine by-products;

Whether you use a whole-house filter, a jug filter, a tap filter or a filter on a home or business water cooler, it is always preferable to filter at least your drinking water. This will ensure that the water that you are drinking is a pure as possible and keeps you healthy.