What are the Best Drinking Water Sources? Drinking water is vital for good health, but it is important that we drink quality water because drinking inferior water could have a dramatic effect on our health, and not in a good way.

Unfortunately, most individuals are still drinking water that is toxic in so many ways that it is frightening. This is mainly due to a lack of knowledge about what water is safe to drink and what is not.

While some water is safe to drink, other sources are not that safe, no matter what you have been told:

Tap Water

Tap water is unfortunately one of the worst sources of healthy water, even though authorities tell us that it is safe. Tap water contains various chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

According to research, fluoride increases cavities and bone fractures, weakens the brain and thyroid, and creates behavioural problems. Chlorine has been linked with a rise in allergies. VOC’s have leeched into public water supplies via industrial farming practices, adding an additional layer of poison to tap water.

Bottled Water

Bottled water has become very popular as an alternative to toxic tap water, but apart from it being rather expensive, even large companies have shown to be selling nothing better than ordinary tap water that they have decanted into bottles.

Plastic water bottles are also known to leech xenoestrogens which interfere with normal hormone functions into the water, and most of the plastic bottles also end up in landfills across the globe.

Filtered Water

Filtering water is probably one of the best methods of ensuring that your drinking water is of a good quality, and there is no better method of doing this than via a water cooler fitted with a triple-action carbon filter.

The added benefits of investing in a water cooler include having access to wonderfully chilled drinking water virtually 24/7/365 and some models even offer ambient and hot water options too. Contact Living-Water today for a free water needs assessment and introduction to a range of great water coolers.