Can Drinking Clean Water Really Help Extend Life? Water is the one thing that no living creature, including human beings, can survive without; it is life-giving, life-sustaining, and life-saving.

One of the main reasons that people live longer today is the fact that we have clean drinking water, as many used to die from water-related diseases. Unfortunately this is not always so, as millions still die in undeveloped countries where they do not have access to potable drinking water.

Drinking polluted water can make one really ill as it can cause various illnesses such as diarrhoea, which can lead to an individual getting dehydrated and very ill – some individuals, especially children, can die from it.

Drinking pure water aids the body in the following ways:

  • Digestion – Water helps to break food down into water-soluble particles that can be transported to the entire body via the bloodstream to feed it vital oxygen and nutrients it needs to survive and perform at its best.
  • Fatigue – The human body needs water to create energy, so even the least bit of dehydration interferes with this and cause fatigue. If you are constantly feeling tired, especially during the daytime, it may be that you just need to drink more water.
  • Lubrication – Water helps keep your joints and brain cushioned against injury and lubricated so that they can move easily without causing friction.
  • Memory – The human brain consists of more or less 98% water; a drop in this level will result in the brain not being able to operate as effectively as it should, making it difficult to do involved mental tasks. Dehydration also affects the memory.
  • Skin – Most of u do not realise this, but the skin is actually the largest organ in the human body. Drinking clean water regularly keeps it elastic, plump and younger-looking.
  • Temperature – Water is used in the form of sweating to regulate and maintain the body’s core temperature
  • Toxins – Drinking clean water helps the body to expel toxins via urination and via the colon in the form of faeces; dehydration causes constipation.

Drinking clean water regularly will ensure that you remain fully hydrated and able to perform all the functions necessary to sustain a healthy life. Drinking pure water stops your blood from thickening, thereby enabling the heart to function without stress. Staying hydrated will also prevent conditions such as stroke.

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