We’ve all heard the same advice to lose weight… Drink more water. While most believe this to be completely true, others believe it to be false, but what is the actual verdict?

First of all, should you be pursuing a weight loss program? The answer is based on your personality, what you like and dislike, as well as your drive and level of motivation. See, anyone can start a weight loss program, eat a certain number of calories a day, drink 2 litres of water, burn more calories than consumed and that is just considered one method of losing weight.

Is it effective? Yes.

Is it for everyone? No.

See, for those who can follow such a plan, restrict themselves, cut food groups out of there diet, that’s great, but what about the rest of us?

The key is being mindful of what you consume on a daily basis. This is the most effective way to lose weight, to think about what you consume and analysing the effect that it has on your body.

For instance, with water, how do you feel after drinking a glass of water? Do you feel more energetic or tired? Do you feel like you could eat less at the next setting? Do you feel cleaner on the inside?

If the answers are yes, then why would you deprive yourself of nature’s best source when it comes to both health and weight loss?

Taking these few things into consideration can really shift your mindset towards food and whatever fluids you consume daily.

Drinking Water for Health Benefits and Weight Loss

With its many positives and no negative effects, one should aim to drink a minimum of 2 litres and a maximum of 4 litres of water a day. Again, this is all based on how water makes you feel. Water can make you feel hydrated, satisfied, make you eat less, improve your digestion and free your body from illness, toxins, bad bacteria and free radicals in your body, but drinking too much will also make you feel sick and allow for your cells to swell.

Whether it’s food, water or anything else, one should always be mindful of how it makes you feel. Considering this question, you’ll be able to maintain a healthy diet, improve weight loss, your mental relationship with food and nutrition and improve the overall wellness of your lifestyle.

Reference: www.stylecraze.com/articles/how-many-litres-of-water-should-you-drink-daily-to-lose-weight/#gref

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