Do I Need a Water Cooler Cover for My Bottle?Why do I need a water cooler cover?

In most cases you don’t but if you have an office water cooler as opposed to a home water cooler the chances are the cooler may be located in direct sunlight.

The problem for a low usage office using the water cooler for water at work is that the water may sit on top of the cooler for long periods before being changed. In this case we would recommend a bottle cover as water when exposed to direct sunlight can go green.

This is simply the algae that is always in water changing appearance and from a health point of view is not necessarily a problem, but is unsightly and unappetizing – hence use a cover.

If you stock your water at home or water at work in direct sunlight, you will definitely need a cover to protect the water from going green. Years ago we had a very large music company who was a client with 50 water coolers, the problem was this customer stored the water in a glass covered delivery area which acted like a greenhouse and we had a constant algae problem with our bottles – it took us a long time to realize what was happening.

In a water at home environment it is far easier to locate a cooler out of direct sunlight but you would be amazed how many customers we then find storing the water outside in the garden (leading again to algae bottles).

So where to buy your water dispenser and cover?  We supply water cooler covers and a vast array of water cooler accessories. Contact us with your requirement and we will be glad to help.