The pH levels in your body need to be balanced, which is one of the reasons why you need to drink more water. The alkalinity or acidity of the fluids and tissues in your body are determined by the pH, which is an abbreviation that stands for the potential of hydrogen. It is possible for the immune system to become impaired and for tissue damage and organ damage to occur when there is an imbalance of acidity and alkalinity in the body.

Consume enough of water to maintain a healthy pH level in your body

On a scale that ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 representing complete neutrality, pH is expressed as a number. The higher the number, the more alkaline the solution, and the lower the number, the more acidic the solution. The human body functions at its most optimal level when its pH is precisely 7.365, which is located just slightly over neutral. Throughout the course of the day, the body’s pH level will typically shift between 6 and 7.5.

The levels of the electrolytes calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium in our bodies are normally managed by the kidneys, and when we consume acidic foods, these electrolytes work to neutralise the acidity that is produced by those substances.

An unhealthy level of acidity in the body depletes the mineral content of our bones, organs, tissues, and cells. When this occurs, cells are unable to fully oxygenate or eliminate waste; vitamin absorption is hindered; and toxins and infections collect in the body, which suppresses the immune system.

The following are the main contributors to acidity in the human body:

  • Sweeteners made synthetically
  • Stress that is ongoing
  • A decrease in the levels of nutrients found in foods as a result of industrial farming
  • Abuse of drugs and alcohol
  • Your diet contains an excessive amount of animal meats
  • Hormones in excess, which can be found in meals, plastics, and health and cosmetic goods
  • The usage of household cleaners, cell phones, computers, and microwave ovens can all expose people to potentially harmful substances, as can the construction materials themselves
  • Herbicides and Pesticides
  • Insufficient fibre in your diet
  • A lack of physical activity
  • Overuse of Antibiotics Excessive Physical Activity
  • Pollution
  • Bad habits when it comes to chewing and eating
  • Additives for preserving and colouring the food
  • Foods that have been refined and processed
  • Breathing that is shallow

Weight gain, asthma, allergies, congestion, recurrent colds, headaches, inflammation, joint and muscle discomfort, skin disorders, and ulcers are all caused by acidity. Acidity also contributes to congestion and asthma. Acidity has been linked to a number of diseases and conditions, including osteoporosis, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke.

Regular consumption of water helps us maintain a pH balance, as well as adequate hydration and overall good health. The pH of pure water is 7, making it a neutral substance that can help bring the pH levels of your body back into balance. Because it takes 20 parts of alkalinity to neutralise 1 part of acidity in the body, an individual needs to consume a lot of water in order to keep their pH levels at the ideal range.

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