Why Drink Water at Work?It is important to drink water at work so that one does not dehydrate. Think about it; the human body works either physically or mentally, sometimes both, for around sixteen hours per day – the remaining time is spent sleeping.

When we sleep our body regenerates, but it also dehydrates, which is why it is important to drink water first thing in the morning, to make up for all the hours without no water. During the day we need energy and we need our brains to be able to work optimally, which they cannot do if dehydrated.

We also need to drink water at regular intervals throughout the day so that toxins do not build up in our bodies but are removed regularly via urination and sweating. If we become dehydrated due to not drinking water regularly, we will not be able to urinate and will also not be able to sweat, which is the body’s way of not only getting rid of toxins, but also of cooling itself down.

Drinking water regularly, which also means drinking water during the day while at work, will reduce the likelihood of getting either colon or bladder cancer, as drinking water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine. Drinking water regularly means that the bladder is not exposed to these toxins for long.

Drinking water regularly refreshes you, increases your metabolic rate, improves your digestion, moisturises your skin, and significantly increases your ability to think, reason and calculate.

Dehydration causes the heart to have to work much harder to pump fresh oxygenated blood to your organs. Drinking water regularly keeps your blood at the optimal viscosity.

If you have something against drinking tap water, get a water cooler that can provide you with access to filtered, chilled drinking water virtually 24/7.